Energie für Geschäftskunden

Business customers energy

Sustainable and cost-effective energy for companies:
A reliable and inexpensive energy supply is essential for the company's success. For businesses and property management Stadtwerke Landshut offer different tariffs that fit the individual needs of the companies. Please call us and arrange a non-binding conversation with our business customer advisors.


As a customer-oriented and regional electricity supplier, we align our energy supplies and our service to the needs and wishes of our corporate customers.

Gerne erstellen wir ein auf Ihren Bedarf (z. B. Höhe des Verbrauchs, Firmensitz innerhalb oder außerhalb Landshuts) abgestimmtes Angebot und suchen für Sie nach der besten Lösung. Rufen Sie am besten gleich unsere Geschäftskundenberater an und vereinbaren Sie einen Termin.

Electricity consumption up to 100,000 kWh

For business customers with a power consumption of up to 100,000 kilowatt hours (kWh) in the low-voltage grid, the municipal utilities offer various professional tariffs with a standard load profile measurement. By choosing one of our green electricity products, you are also making a contribution to climate protection.

Power consumption over 100,000 kWh

For customers with a power consumption of more than 100,000 kWh with a recording ¼-hour power measurement, we offer individual power supply contracts at fair prices. The conditions are based on the connection situation (connection to medium voltage, transformer or low voltage from the local network) and the consumption situation. The electricity purchase is billed monthly. Again, you can improve your sustainable image and choose a green power product.

Strommasten zur Energieversorgung von Geschäftskunden
Do you have further questions about electricity for businesses?


Phone: 0871 1436 2081,
0871 1436 2085
E-mail: geschaeftskunden@devlandshut.h-s-a-g.de

Do you have further questions about natural gas for companies?


Phone: 0871 1436 2081,
0871 1436 2085
E-mail: geschaeftskunden@devlandshut.h-s-a-g.de

natural gas

As a customer-oriented and regional gas supplier, we gear our energy supplies and service to the needs and wishes of our corporate customers. For companies that are committed to sustainability, we too Ökogas in the portfolio.

We are happy to create an offer tailored to your needs and to find the best solution for you. Call our business consultants and make an appointment.

Gas consumption up to 1,500,000 kWh

For business customers in and outside of Landshut with a natural gas consumption of up to 1,500,000 kilowatt hours (kWh) the municipal utilities offer various professional rates. By choosing the eco-gas product you can also improve the CO₂ balance of your company and make an active contribution to climate protection.

Gas consumption over 1,500,000 kWh

For customers with a natural gas consumption of more than 1,500,000 kWh with a recording hourly power measurement, we offer individual gas supply contracts at fair prices. The conditions are based on the connection situation (connection in high pressure, medium pressure or low pressure from the local network) and the consumption situation. The natural gas purchase is billed monthly. Here, too, you can improve your sustainable image and choose our green gas for companies.

Do you have further questions about natural gas for companies?


Phone: 0871 1436 2081,
0871 1436 2085
E-mail: geschaeftskunden@devlandshut.h-s-a-g.de

district heating

With Fernwärme Landshut we offer you an alternative to conventional heating systems. In one part of Landshut, you can purchase the convenient heat supply and contribute to reducing regional CO₂ emissions.

Über die Verbrennung von ausschließlich nachwachsenden Rohstoffen im Ofen des Biomasseheizkraftwerks in Landshut-Auloh werden mittels der wirkungsvollen Kraft-Wärme-Kopplung (KWK) Strom und Wärme erzeugt. Fernwärme Landshut ist CO₂-neutral und schont fossile Ressourcen. Die Biomasse besteht aus Landschaftspflegematerial (vorwiegend Baum- und Strauchschnitt sowie Wurzelholz). Diese muss wenig bearbeitet werden und steht nicht wie etwa Mais im Wettbewerb zur Lebensmittelindustrie.

Zur Abdeckung von Spitzenlasten und zur Ausfallsicherheit ist im BMHKW zudem ein Gaskessel und an der Schützenstraße eine Spitzen- und Reservelastzentrale (ebenfalls mit Gaskessel betrieben) installiert.

Rufen Sie unsere Fernwärmekundenberaterin unter 0871 14 36 23 43 an und wir prüfen, ob wir Ihr Gebäude mit Fernwärme beliefern können. Ist das der Fall, erarbeiten wir gemeinsam mit Ihnen Anschluss- und Versorgungsmöglichkeiten für Ihr Gebäude und erstellen ein Komplett-Angebot für Hausanschluss, Übergabestation und Fernwärmebezug.

Rohre zur Fernwärme
Do you have further questions about district heating for companies?


Phone: 0871 1436 2343
E-mail: fernwaerme@devlandshut.h-s-a-g.de